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See what happened next! when two Army officers meet with an alien spaceship...

We all are busy in our own life and forgot the nature but sometimes, something comes in front of us and force us to keep eyes on our nature or creators...

Humans are receiving so many messages continuously on our earth which point towards the existence of aliens or those extraterestrials personalities...

In this article we gonna know about something strange happened in years of 1980's with two army officer of USA.

In the year of 1980's there was a cold war started between USA and Soviet Union, at that time nearby the " Bentwater Airfore Base "  in " Rendlesham Forest ' at 3:00 AM on the of 26th December's night Airforce Base detected a unknown aircraft on their radar in the nearby forest, the thought it might be a enemies aircraft which came for keeping eyes on them...

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But, to explore this and gather more information about this... Two officers were sent to that location names " Sergenat Jim Penniston and John Burroughs " 

When these two officers reached at that location they saw something which blowed up there mind. A tri-angular shaped aircraft was their almost 2 feet above from ground... John said when he came near that craft he fell some statics energy or a king radiation which was weird...

He understood that it was not a normal aircraft but it's more than that... When Jim saw the aircraft he started drawing the picture and he said this spacecraft was 9 feet wide and 6 feet long from every direction and some strange symbols was printed on it...

After continue watching that craft Jim went near to the craft and touched it with his hand... At the he touches that craft a strong light appeared and they was not able to see anything for few seconds, but after sometime Jim was able to see a message in form of 0 and 1 digit ( Known as binary code ).

See was not able to concentrate any other things because of those codes are still coming in front of his eyes, and finally he decided to write it in a book... he wrote those 0 and 1 symbol in the order as it coming in his mind, once he finished writing those digits, message stopped coming in his mind...

One thing which these two guys noticed on that day was that the forest was only 5 minutes far from base and all those activities can take maximum 20 minutes of time but when these two offices came back time was almost 6 AM, they were shock, so it is possible that the time was stop at that moment they touched the aircraft and went to some other parallel space or time... If yes comment below..

After that two more office came to investigate the same on another day, and they noticed the place where spacecraft was appeared having very high radiation and again the Red & Blue light appeared in the sky... officers got scared...

He almost wrote 16 pages of those symbols of 0 and 1 and he was not aware what was it...

After many years John comes to meet Jim in year 2010, Jim told him about that digits and then john went to one of his code expert friend to decode that message...

He was only decoded first 6 pages out of 16 pages and he found " Exploration of Humanity for planetary advance" and some coordinated was also mentioned there...

It seams that this message was either sent for tell us something or was a warning, but when searched those coordinates, all of them were available on Earth...

All those coordinates were pointing towards those locations where we found some proofs of advance civilizations of past, Once we decoded all of those codes we found some of more coordinated which was known as red coordinates located in Egypt, China, Central America, Greece and South America...

All these coordinates having one thing common that all of these having developed civilization in past and many astro researchers suggests that all these coordinates pointing towards existence of Alien Life/

It is assumed that this message was a reply of the message sent by " Carl Saggent " in Universe with 2380 Mz frequency in the same ( binary language ) for communication with extraterrestrial life. 

This is one of those cases of extraterrestrial activities on our earth in past 100's of years and a large range of people beleave in existance of life on another plant then Earth...

What you think about this story and do you beleave in existence of extraterrestrial life, comment below for your opinion.

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